The Unmutual Reviews: Decoding The Prisoner. Review by Peter Dunn.
University of Luton Press
ISBN 186020 5216
228pp £14.99
THE PRISONER is too grand a claim for this book. Describing "The Prisoner"
would be a more accurate title for this 228 pages of missed opportunity. For
over thirty years we fans have done much that must irritate McGoohan, "The
Prisoner"'s creator. Some have dressed in silly costumes, some have recreated
scenes, we have made and bought Prisoner merchandise that sometimes has to
been seen to be believed... but at least we honoured McGoohan's key hope for
the series. We have used the series to think a little more about ourselves
and the world around us. We have even shared those thoughts with other fans
and viewers in discussion groups, fanzines, television and radio interviews.
In fact few other telefantasy series have produced such a depth and range
of philosophical thought among its fans.
We have not been arrogant about those thoughts. We range across a wide variety
of professions from bus driver to biologist - and few if any of us are professional
thinkers. For the most part we have been gentle with each other in our debate
about the series message - hidden or otherwise. We always knew that at some
point a trained academic mind would bring its finely honed skills to the seventeen
episodes we love and provide either new insights or at least a more ordered
or codified analysis of some of the aspects of the show than we have been
able to produce to date.
This book, the first on "The Prisoner" from a UK university press,
could have been that academic analysis. Sadly it is truly disappointing. The
book's author Chris Gregory spends a whole chapter pointing out the affect
of the creation of the video recorder on our perception of "The Prisoner".
Later he also points out his belief that "the role of the VCR in the
creation of 'cult' series has been crucial". Almost all of us now have
the means to watch and re-watch the show, pausing and rewinding over crucial
moments at will. That being the case why then does he waste 122 pages of his
book to present us with a pointlessly detailed blow by blow account of each
episode? I purchased this book for the same reasons as most people will -
as someone who has seen the show and who is interested in getting an academic
viewpoint on the philosophical and/or allegorical content of the series. I
did not want a yet another dreary episode guide.
Sadly I have to accept the author's statement that "this book... could
never have been written in this form without the use of a VCR". I can
just picture the author sitting down to wind and rewind through a pile of
"Prisoner" tapes and faithfully transcribing what he saw - perhaps
he should have got more. In particular he should have left down his video
remote and gone to interview some of the writers, actors, producers and directors
of the series.
How can you possibly claim to be seriously attempting to 'decode' a show without
ever taking the opportunity to speak to those who produced the original coding?
It is perhaps understandable that he did not try to speak to McGoohan - given
McGoohan's renowned prized privacy - but it is unforgivable that he should
not have spoken to any of the other writers or directors. Not only does this
deny us as readers access to their crucial
thoughts on the process it also leads the author of this book to replace those
thoughts with his own embarrassing incorrect speculations on those writers'
thinking. To give just one example Chris Gregory suggests that the episode
"A Change of Mind" in his words:
"recalls Ken Kesey's allegorical novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962).... The novel is an important pre-cursor - and quite possibly a direct influence - on The Prisoner".
Of course those of us
who had the privilege of listen to the writer of the episode "A Change
of Mind", Roger Parkes, interviewed were able to hear Roger to explicitly
refute that "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" was not an influence
on the script and in fact the main influence was the brainwashing classic
"The Manchurian Candidate". Chris Gregory could have had the same
privilege of asking that question had he got up from his pile of videos and
simply made contact with Roger.
One could go on to list the many other mistakes in the book, mis-spelt character
names etc. but that would be an uncharitable act that would show us up as
pedantic fans quibbling over minor detail. So instead I will just list one
of the more enormous howlers made by the author:
"The only recurring character is Number 2." (Page 43) Err?
what about the Butler and the Supervisor?
The book also has a number of embarrassing omissions which one can only put
down to lack of research, particularly a lack of writer interviews as we have
already seen. On page 124 the author is puzzled by why "It's Your Funeral"
is such a "light weight" episode - but fails to explain to readers
that this is probably related to the widely known fact that it was a patch
work episode made to a significant degree out of what was till then unused
spare footage. On page 142 the author is again critical of the episode "Do
Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling" but he fails to analyse in any way how
the episode changed from its very different early script treatment "Face
Unknown". One has to wonder if the author even knew of the existence
of "Face Unknown" or had read any of the many publications on the
series that have referred to it.
One of the most irritating omissions resulting from a lack of research is
a section of the book entitled "Never Trust a Woman" which attempts
to discuss "Sexuality and Gender Relations in The Pris oner". Astoundingly
the author manages to produce an entire chapter on the subject without once
referring to any interview with any female actress from the show. It has been
well established now in interview after interview that many of the female
cast and crew found McGoohan unusually difficult to work with probably because
they were women. Such a fact is crucial to any gendered understanding of the
show - though not once is it referred to - again this shows an over-reliance
on the VCR and a failure to interview key players in the creation in the series.
Television fans are often criticised by society for attempting to read too
much into the series they love. Thankfully most "Prisoner" fans
no longer do this on the whole. Thirty years of analysis of "The Prisoner"
has revealed its many flaws and weaknesses, its cobbled together last minute
ending, its continuity errors etc.
Still we love it for what it is and we have no illusions as to its limitations.
Few for instance would argue that the seventeen episodes present some sort
of consistent overall allegorical message that had been worked out from the
beginning, rather than it simply being a useful allegorical vehicle for the
random thoughts of McGoohan, Markstein, and the other writers, producers and
directors. Surprisingly however Chris Gregory appears to still cling to the
view that "The Prisoner" was following some vast detailed allegorical
plan. On page 91 he refers to the "overall allegorical design of the
series" on page 140 he claims that:
"The final episodes complete the mythological `inner journey' of the series passing through what Joseph Campbell identifies as the final archetypal stage of `Return', in which the mythical hero triumphs over his `supernatural' enemies and returns to spiritually `enlighten' his society."
That is strange. I always
thought the last four episodes were a cowboy romp, an Avengers pastiche, one
really thought-provoking episode, and a final hodge podge of ideas flung together
by McGoohan whilst he was tired and emotional.
Does Chris Gregory finally decode "The Prisoner"? Well he does present
a point of view in what little space remains to him after his tedious descriptions
of each episode. He argues that the series is a warning against society's
suppression of the `free spirit' and: "that modem `mass media culture'
will produce a `soulless' society". Those who know me well will know
that I would disagree with his analysis. Just as I would equally disagree
with his analysis on page 172 that the figure of Number 1 in "Fall Out"
in his words "on one level is an obvious personification of God".
I take the view that the series warns that the most dangerous figure we often
face is ourselves - or at least our own evil (or if you want sinful) side
and that Number 1 is a depiction of that dangerous part of our own individuality
- we are our own prisoners.
Still this is just a point a view and I cannot criticise Chris Gregory for
having a different one to mine. However what I can take him to task for is
for making me trudge through such a disappointing text in search of his viewpoint.
Maybe we will have to await a more academically rigorous work than one from
the University of Luton - one of the UK's somewhat less prestigious universities
or perhaps the thirty years of fan thought on the series has not done such
a bad job after all.