The Unmutual
"The Prisoner Interrogations"
By Leslie Glen, St Inan's Press, ISBN 978-0-9567928-0-8.
Review by Rick Davy.
Many books have been written about The Prisoner. We've had episode guides, companion guides, in=depth analysis, production guides, and more besides, but it's taken until 2012 to see the first ever "Prisoner" quiz book. "The Prisoner Interrogations" is an 84-page book written by Leslie Glen which essentially just that.
With a foreward by David Healey and Preface by Roger Parkes, plus rear-cover comments from the likes of Vincent Tilsley, Howard Foy, and Robin Llywelyn, the book has praise indeed from the word go and the rest of the volume does not disappoint.
Leslie will be well known to many "Prisoner" fans as the organiser of the always popular Mind Mash events (reviews HERE) and one of the highlights of the events has always been Leslie's "Prisoner Question paper", an exam-style "Prisoner" quiz with quiz questions, recognition exercises, mental agility exercises, and more and "The Prisoner Interrogations" is uniqely set out in that way also.
The book is divided into 6 "question papers" of 17 questions, each section illustrated by well-chosen colour photographs from the series. The questions are in some cases easy but other cases more challenging, making the book ideal for both "Prisoner" newcomers and seasoned fans alike. personally, I was even stumped occasionally!
The mix of questions is very well researched and it was impossible at the end of each question paper not to then want to attempt the next, a sign of a good quiz book whatever the subject. I have often wondered why this type of book on the series has never been attampted and I'm glad that Leslie has done so, and make a great job of it.
I must congratulate Leslie on this book, a truly unique volume which is not only well presented and thoughtfully compiled, but jolly challenging and very good fun and is well worth the £6.99 price tag and I hope that in the future there will be a second volume.
The book is available
at the Unmutual Website, Portmeirion, and other outlets but as of 11/2012
will not be available through Amazon.